SAE Towers operates in the provision of services in the Energy and Telecom sector, with high quality products, satisfying the needs of different sectors with personalized and safe solutions.
Service Solutions for Transmission and Distribution
Structures for transmission lines are usually mechanically tested with their ultimate design loads, in order to confirm their strength, adequacy to technical requirements and obtain their final approval. SAE Towers performs full-scale tests on prototypes of a wide variety of metallic structures, including poles, guyed towers and self-supporting towers up to 78 meters high. We simulate the most varied loading conditions, with total transverse loads of up to 280 tons and longitudinal loads of up to 220 tons for application in test prototypes. Load monitoring, in real time, by strain-gages is also available, as well as a second test base, which aims to perform tests with a shorter time interval.
Considering more than 760 load tests carried out in our Test Station, we can assure that, in terms of height and variety of towers viable to be tested, the load capacity in conditions to be applied, the number of tests already successfully executed and reliability of results, we are unquestionably the leading company in the Americas in load testing of metallic structures for transmission lines.
Structure tests
SAE Towers is one of the world's largest producers of steel lattice towers for transmission lines.
It operates in the development of projects, in their detailing, in the production of prototypes and in the carrying out of tests, in the manufacture of towers and hardware and in EPC projects, with the best solutions in transmission structures.
Product Solutions for Transmission and Distribution
Service Solutions for Transmission and Distribution
Solutions for Renewables (Solar PV)
Solutions for the Railway and Metro Sectors